One of my interests is baseball. I love the Chicago White Sox. I enjoy watching them on television or going to the ball park to watch a live game. Over the summer I generally attend at least two games per month. We either tailgate or eat at the ball park. U.S. Cellular has the best food ever. But the times that we do not eat at the ball park we will tailgate with our friends. We take a wide variety of food and drinks. Having at least two hours before the game is great to enjoy time cooking, eating and socializing with our friends. It’s not a big process to tailgate when you have a group of people. We are not sore losers, but would love to see them win all the time. Impossible I know, but one can hope. It doesn’t matter where you sit at the ball park every seat is a great one. I ought to know, because I have sat all over the park. Upper, lower, box, and bleacher seats you can watch the game perfectly any where you sit at the park.
Another interest of mine is cleaning and organizing. Some of my family members might tell you that it’s a decease I have or an obsession of cleaning. For me it’s a piece of cake. So much so that in 1998 I started my own cleaning business. I have helped so many people organize their homes as well as clean their homes. It comes so naturally to me. It keeps me busy and out of trouble. This so called illness that I have carries me outside to my yard. I love taking care of my home both in and out. Though I have everything in order and in it’s own place my daughter and hushand still have to ask me where something is. I guess they find it easier to ask than to look themselves. Now they are both the opposite of me. Their sloppy, messy and very untidy. Which sometimes makes me angry yet happy at the same time.
Another passion is helping others out. Whether it’s taking them some where, shopping, doctors appointments, errands or anything to keep me out of trouble. I guess you could call me a busy body at times. It’s hard for me to keep still. I need to be doing something all the time. I also love children and enjoy spending time with my young nieces and nephews. I enjoy making them laugh and acting goofy at times. They really think I’m silly but I don’t mind. I love spending time with family. It’s important to me to keep in contact with my parents and siblings. It’s how we where brought up I believe.
Well these are just a few things I enjoy. Hope this helps
I've had a couple of people be successful with papers about the "Billy Goat Curse." They've argued that it does or does not exist and to what extent.