Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog #6

Okay so now I'm going to reflect on my critical analysis. As i concentrate and make a careful and mental thought of the movie, I try to take in all aspects into consideration. The images that I can remember makes me recall some of the cooky stuff that presented itself in the scene of all the posters hanging up on a grown mans wall. something in my mind light up so radiant as a beaming light so bright that brought the ignorance of the male species to mind. Then another scene shows a boy friend plowing so much snow up against his girldfriends house just because "he thinks" she is cheating on him, goes to show you that men a very immature. I believe I did my best to cover what I could in my paper. It's that once I get started and begin writing I can sometimes goes off on another direction. Maybe what I do is that I could too deep into my explaination. Just cut the chase and get to the point. My reflection sometimes provides the object that helps me create something that I think is interesting. What I should do is bring together events and situation so that it's easiser for me to clarify or understand that the audience is going to get what Im writing about. I just nee to take my time and keep an open mind.

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